
Outstanding Cockerel in 2010 by the infamous Halbach Poulty Farms23866 views

White pullet, Akers3069 viewsChamp. LF, approx. 2006

Champion LF; Central Ind. Poultry Show, 2007, Halbach2156 viewsPullet; Halbach Poultry Farm, Wisconsin

White male by Twisted Feather Farms-Terry Britt and Darren Holly1614 views


Whites from Rick Bond1087 views

Akers cockerel 051027 viewsRock King (Best Plymouth Rock male and Rock N Red Specialty Show) Bloomington, IN, Dec, 2005. Champion American, Heartland Classic, Cape Girardeau, MO, March, 2006.


White Rock Female by Jim Volk940 views

White male by Twisted Feather Farms-Terry Britt and Darren Holly929 views

Champion LF, Ohio National Poultry Show, Columbus, OH, 2009920 viewsPullet, Doug Akers

Champ. LF, Dayton Feather Fanciers, 2004913 viewsCockerel, Doug Akers