Most viewed - Misc. Photos

Doug Akers (right) with daughter Suzanne Akers (left)8925 viewsInaugural Central Indiana Poultry Show, October 20, 2007

Neil Grassbaugh, Doug Akers, Ron Patterson (L to R)8713 viewsRon Patterson is a Wyandotte LF breeder and Faverolle breeder

Jeff Halbach, WI & Clell Agler, OH (L to R)5356 viewsCentral Indiana Poultry Show, 2007

John Beauchamp and one of his fine White Plymouth Rock bantams!4679 views

Harry Halbach (left), WI & Greg Chamness, IL (right) with Shari McCollough, IN, cochin breeder2896 viewsCentral Indiana Poultry Show, Lebanon, IN, 2007

Rock Breeder Heather Hayes2473 views

Rick Bond and Buddy Hudson made the front page!2461 views

Brittany DeWeese and her sleepy barred rock bantam Bicker!2003 views

"Mr. Barred" Carl Fosbrink1195 views

The late master Rock breeder Shelby Harrington and PRFCA President Greg English1160 views

White Rock breeder Jeff Halbach1113 views

Nice Bantam house by Mike Gilbert1042 views