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121 files in 18 albums and 3 categories with 0 comments viewed 383,995 times |

A Dale Postma Barred female3238 views

Flock of White Large Fowl by Bob and Zora Blosl857 views

Hen, Rock N Red Show1160 viewsAkers hen. Hatched from Tommy Stanley eggs.

Flock of Bob Blosl's Large Fowl782 views

Feather Samples1009 views


Old Halbach Ad718 views


Barred Pullet by Janice Hall61091 viewsDec 14, 2010

Barred Cockerel by Janice Hall61330 viewsDec 14, 2010

Outstanding Cockerel in 2010 by the infamous Halbach Poulty Farms23527 viewsDec 08, 2010

Nice Cockerel by Janice Hall of Rock Hill Poultry2844 viewsDec 08, 2010

2042 viewsNov 08, 2010

1923 viewsNov 08, 2010

2002 viewsNov 08, 2010

2298 viewsNov 08, 2010